Normal isn't what it used to be. I pray, and pray to God, "please....I just want to feel normal again"...and then I stop and think about what normal is...and, I can't give it a clear definition. I don't know what that is anymore...
Because now, normal is...different. There is a "new" normal to define me. After certain life experiences, normal takes on a whole new meaning whether it be from you, your circumstances, your doctor, your judge, your spouse, parent or whoever--normal is never really normal or the same...
Feeling thing's I know are not from God, I know..isn't healthy. If it's not from God I shouldn't receive it. And 90% of the time, I am good at fighting the mental and emotional battle women go through, especially women who have suffered a loss like mine...sometimes it just gets tough.
I'm not looking for pity or sadness or "oh, poor thing"...I just need prayers..and a little extra grace..God know's my needs...He will supply them. I know I can trust that.