The juice fast, cleanses and stregthens your cells so that they can do their job all the while cleansing out your entire body, and "rebooting" it to be able to perform top notch again, that way it was meant to. When we eat fruits and veggies in their most raw/natural state-we get everything we need.
In the documentary (sorry I don't want to spoil too much) but...Joe, the Australian Business man, loses a ton of weight, reverses his autoimmune disease (almost unheard of) and looks amazing! 15 years younger! He has more energy, is more alert, skin looks great...its such a transformation. And again--completely healthy. He was monitored by his doctors the entire time. (I am very much a skeptic when it comes to cleanses, fasts, diets etc..but this is legit and healthy). In the file you meet two other people who also tried the fast for their own health reasons and made dramatic transformations as well.
So, I am. Sitting in my living room jaw dropped & eyes filled with tears after finishing the documentary. The transformations and life stories are dramatic, touching and real. Two men reverse their autoimmune diseases. One woman, cured of migraines. One man drops 202 lbs and is able to be taken off all blood pressure & cholesterol medications. All. Did I say all? I meant ALL!
Now, I'm not trying to say this will cure anyone of anything. I'm not even saying it's all amazingly easy either. I am day one and I already want to side eye the next person I see eating food! haha...
Here are some reasources for info to browse through OR get you started:
*Here is the website, Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
*Info if you want to do the reboot (juice fast) but manitain the weight you are at, like me.
*Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Juice Recipes to try
*Other juice recipe's from another website: DrinkRawJuice.Com (last night I tested out the "sleep better" recipe (added an apple as well) and it was delish! zzzZZzz
*Here is the Breville Juicer we bought (similar to the one used in the film) of course, you could buy any juicer you want.
Last night, I went to the store and bought $70 worth of fruits and veggies for a 5 days fast for both Chris and me. My spoils consisted of: celery, carrots, strawberries, nectarines, ginger root, apples, pineapple, small watermelon, spinach, kale, pears, lemons, cucumbers, bellpeppers & grapefruit. This evening after work I still need to get beets, cabbage & kiwi :)
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my basket :) |
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my refigerator, a lot is all chopped and washed. ready to go! |
Here is the run down for Day 1:
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me, last night testing out a recipe from DrinkRawJuice.Com (link is above, see "Other" juice recipes) |
Breakfast: blend of strawberries, carrots, cucumber, apples, pears & a handful of spinach. Yum!
Lunch: blend of swiss chard, spinach, celery, carrots, parsley & lemon. Y-U-C-K. tasted like lemon-y, pepper-y GRASS! I dumped it and went and bought an orange-carrot juice from Jamba (still just juice) I will NOT use swiss chard EVER again.
Dinner: I will do carrots, cucumber, celery, spinach, apple & parsley
Snacks/supplements?: yes, snacked on cashews & peanuts here and there
Feeling right now: earlier (tmi) alert but...I felt..well gassy! eek! yes! your body feels the effects right away..I also felt a little bloated and went #1 like 5 times in one hour! Right now, I am hungry..still. Kinda tired but I think that's from the restless night I had sleeping alone since my husband is out of town right now.
other blends I love:
-pink grape fruit/watermelon
-apple, celery, strawberry, carrot
I am not doing this to lose a crazy ammount of weight. But..just to reboot my body, get back to eating healthy again & maybe..just maybe it can all help with PCOS/Infertility issues? Hey, it can't hurt to try. Infact, either way; it will actually help me! I am excited to see how this progresses. Don't get me wrong, right now I just want to cave and eat some bread. But I wont! I'll stay strong.
I should also add that I am supplementing with Ensure once a day to add protein (it's safe for me as I cannot/shoud not lose too much real weight) I also try to run 3 times a week and do other stregthening (barre) workouts on the days I don't run. Of course, with this fast, I will adjust the intensity of each workout according to juice intake & my overall feeling for the day. I will always do some kind of workout though. It's all about being healthy!
Bottoms up!