oh...wait--I'm missing something..OH YES! I am also pregnant. "Second-trimester-going-on-third" THIS FIRDAY pregnant..........
Let me tell you. I have never in my life been so busy and never in my life have I known sheer exhausion like the eye numbing, brain stopping, so-tired-I-can-fall-asleep-on-the-cold-bathroom-floor exhaustion that comes with pregnancy. I am trying to grow a human here people. Work with me. This child, whom I so dearly am fully in love with already-is naturally stealing all of my nutrients and therefore leaving me to pray my daily diet and prenatal pills fill the voids.
Enter, today. For the last three nights I have been up past midnight each night. Now before you go and scold me about staying up WAY too late, being a bad little pregnant woman etc. know that #1) there is such a thing as having sheer exhaustion during the day and then awesome "pregsomnia" yes, pregnancy insomnia-at night. #2) I've already heard it all the last few days so it wouldn't be anything new anyway. My husband in particular tries his best to help me get to bed on time, but you know what sometimes it just aint gonna happen. Or I lay there for about 40 minutes and then just get up and wait to get tired. True story.
Today, after abot five and half hours of sleep I slept in as LATE as possible all while still being able to make it to work on time. I have absolutely no earthly reason for how that happened but it did and on Thankful Thursday I am thankful that it did. And that my alarm actually works. We are having friends over tonight for dinner and I took some chicken out to defrost so that I can speed through cooking AND trying to clean up the condo before they all arrive. (I read somewhere that you never get more cleaning done around the house than in the 15 minutes before someone pops over-so true.) Rosanna, if you are reading this--I know you know what I'm talkin about...I still can't wait to hang!
Being the awesomely "sharp" person that I am I forget to tell my husband to please put the chicken in the fridge as I left it in the sink filled with water to defrost a bit that way. Here comes 11:00 am and my heart sinks......I left the friggin chicken in the sink defrosting. It needs to go in the fridge. Awesome. Hubby isn't going home for lunch. Guess who is? It literally takes me my entire lunch hour just to get there and back..now I have something to actually DO when I get home before I come back to work-challenge accepted.
I finally get home, walk in the door and instantly my body relaxes. Not good. I call out for my dog and head to the kitchen. I get the chicken (still cold, don't worry you wont get salmonella poisoning...I don't think....anyway) I get it in the fridge, grab something I left at home and sneak to the bedroom. There lays Sampson..in our bed...lazy as can be barely mustering up the energy to turn his furry little head my way. I lay down with him and tell myself "only 2 minutes. That's it. You still need to get gas." Two precious minutes FLY by and I realize I need to get up to go. In that moment I begin to resent my dog with every fiber of my being. Dang dog gets to stay home all day and sleep. I need to leave. Now....... But I am already home. I was so close to calling work, letting them know I have been having a tough morning (which I have been, Mayah must me redecorating in there) and need to just stay home for the rest of the day. It took everything in me to not strip down to my oh-so-attractive pregnant version of what are supposed to be "undergarments" and climb into bed. EVERYTHING.
I stood there. Played out how this could go in my head and realized: "the workin' man IS a sucker DAD!" (props to you if you can tell me where THAT is from.)
I am a sucker. I never really would have done it. I just can't do that. So guess what. I came back. To work.
Yay me. Yay-freaking-me.