An oldie but a goodie.."Realized Faith" circa Feb 2011

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So the other day I was browsing on my facebook and I realized...I had some "notes" in that 'notes' section of my FB. Basically, they are like blog posts on your FB..and as I was scrolling through I found this one..

It was something I wrote in early February of this year..(gosh that feels like so long ago!) As I re-read this posting...I couldn't help but take quite a few deep sighs and shake my head in that "man-I-cant-believe-this-...........but-its-so-awesome-" kind of way. Because this last week has been kind of hard for me..and I will go more into detail about that in another post but, let me just say..stumbling upon the post below, "Realized Faith", came at the perfect time for me..just when I needed it. And I could totally receive it because it was God really has nothing to do with me...I'm just the typist :)
Realized Faith: 2.28.11---

Have you ever had one of those days where you just need to get outside of your mind? Yea..I’ve had about three of those and I feel another few coming. Is it that big of a coincidence that in the very time in my life God asks for my faith and trust-and I vow to finally give it whole heartedly, that it’s the time in my life that “life” screams for concern/worry/questioning/tension…

It’s like, of course! Why when I promise to give God all of me in faith and trust and contentment wouldn’t my flesh claw at me to be concerned and worried and stressed?...When we ask God to give us faith, strength, peace and just that sense of trust, he doesn’t just snap his fingers and it appears. He puts us in situations to cultivate that which we pray for. If I have learned anything, I have learned that much :)

And with all that has been on my mind, I feel God speaking to me.. He is bringing me through the fire. To refine me and to just smooth out the rough edges in my faith and I have to just…be.  Stop the fussing and fighting and moving and whining and

It’s like this. In some random, un-intentioned moment you realize that God was so there for you. He was always there and in everything. And even when you couldn’t visualize an end or result; He came through. And maybe not in the way that you earnestly and specifically prayed for; but in the way you can now see was the utmost perfect and beyond what you could have conceived. And in that moment of realization you feel peace. You feel happy. You feel relieved and calm and grateful in ways you feel almost too humbled to try to explain or convey. And in that moment, at least for me..I often feel…ashamed. Because God came through so amazingly, and I am now just realizing it or giving him praise for it. He has never, ever, ever failed me. Even when purposefully I have chosen to disobey Him or reluctantly chosen to not have the faith I should, He came through for me. Who am I that the God of the universe, the God who says that the sun should rise and the moon should set, the God that puts the air in my lungs-who am I that He should not only care for me-but be for me? Who would come through for me, when I don’t deserve it and comfort me when I need it most…

What if I had faith like the faith that is built after the fact? Faith like God has already come through or even that He just WILL..? What if I lived with the constant realization and understanding that God is exalted. That he is sovereign and trustworthy. That He is beyond faithful and true. That He is concerned with the big and little, that He isn’t fazed with trivial life issues. He isn’t shaken, afraid, worried, unsure or unreliable. Fear isn't in His vocabulary.  He is all I will ever need and the best thing I can put all of me into. But if the God I say I believe in is so perfect, why is my faith so…un-perfect? Because we aren't God or perfect and having faith means you don’t know it all and you have to let go and let God be God. When you set him on the throne, and give him his rightful place in your life His mercies will give way for you to believe in ways you should. It is a hard decision because it means letting go of being your own (and everyone else’s) savior and answer and hope. That’s for Jesus to take care of, His word says so.

Faith is called for, life cries for it…I choose to take part in that kind of faith. Realized-on purpose-no holding back-final answer-faith. At some point you need to realize that NOTHING (let me say that again) NOTHING is too hard for our God. Nothing.

Deut. 3:24/2 Sam 7:28-29/Deut 32:4/2 Sam 22:31/Deut 7:9/1 Sam 12:24/Matt 17:20/Psalm 23:4

Listening to: Where I belong-Cory Asbury, His Glory Appears-Hillsong & All for you-Starfield..♥
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