"Don't worry, God's already got it all worked out." Well, between me and you this 'wise' man happens to be my husband. Yesterday while we were driving hom, I started to, (as I always do) think out loud. Not intending to have a conversation or get any responses...just thinking out loud.
I started saying things like, "Full time. Thats so great but...what are we going to do for childcare? I was banking on that!" I was refering to the fact that my mom has just gotten an amazing full time position, greater than what she was praying for. I am so proud of her and really, really happy for her. Somewhere in my mind I had planned to have her watch the baby when I went back to work...at least two days out of the week if not four as Chris has Friday's off. He can stay home with the lil one Fridays. But M-Th I would have to take care of finding a care giver...and mom was candidate #1, Oh-mom, I totally volunteered you for that! Haha..
Now that she is going to be working full time...my mind was just working over time thinking of different scenarios etc..big shifts are going on at work and my maternity leave would be right in the middle of the busiest season for our office--I do a lot at this time. Only I do certain important things at this time. Can I do some from home? Will I even have energy for that? And childcare, back to childcare. Oh, we passed the store..grocery shopping I need to go grocery shopping..but I cant eat much yet so why bother...well I cant let Chris just starve...
On, and on and ON--this is how my mind just...GOES! I'm sitting there thinking, again, a lot of it outloud...and from a familiar voice (Chris) I hear, "Don't worry, God's already got it all worked out." And he just smiles at me..oh his smile does it! It silenced me. I mean it literally silenced all of me. My mind stopped. It was like I had this apiffany of my very own..this...realization. I know God is in control...sometimes I really do need those thick yet simple reminders. He already has next year worked out..He already has TOMORROW worked out. Babies don't worry about how they get their next meal or love and care...their provider takes care of that. God is our provider and He has us in mind. Thanks babe ;)
25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? -Matthew 6:25&26
Matthew 6:25-26 is one of my favorite verses, mostly because I'm a worrier and it reminds me to rely on God the way I should. I'm glad you have such a good hubby that reminds you that God's got it all taken care of. :)