Get it right.

By | 10:25 AM 1 comment

That's what I'm talkin about....God gave us this life, He came into our lives when we invited Him in and this is so that we can have it, and live it to the fullest. With all its riches and wonderous experiences...maybe for some what exemplifies that is different from the next person. But the point is that with God, our lives are meant to be lived within the fullness of Him.

I have really come to realize that in order to do this, we have to be (among other things) healthy. That's what I want to focus on right now, being healthy. Mentally, emotionally, spritually all YES's! But also...(dun dun dunnnn) physically. Not just "skinny"or "thinner"..I mean HEALTHY. There is a difference ladies.

We have been given these "temples" as the bible puts it and with our bodies, we have to be responsible with them. What we put in them, what we do with them, how we dress them and ultimately how they function. Granted, sometimes we cant escape certain physical ailments..but there is NO excuse good enough to not keep it healthy. So, I do my best to be healthier. Better food choices and consistent workouts/runs...

If you need it made simple, like I do...check these out:

I get exhausted just reading these... :/

Of course, watch what you eat. Get in more good (complex carbs) like whole grain, wheat, brown rice etc vs. anything with white flour or even white rice. Lower your sugar & (bad) fats intake and also sodium if needed. Here is my eating style:

1) more "good" (complex) carbs

2) eat colorful (your plate should be "colorful" i.e full of fruits and/or veggies"

3)cut way back in the sweets (a lot of us think if we cut back a little it's enough...truthfully we know we should do more. Sugar is in most of what we eat, we don't need more of it in the refined form) :)

Eat for your goals, eat for your body type or health issue. Just remember, eat! For me, with PCOS, I have to eat within a low-glycemic index diet or like a diabetic (to an extent). If anything, it just keeps me healthy. No biggie. My health and future are worth it. Skipping what I don't need won't kill me, it will do the opposite :) The battle in all of this resides in the mind.

Victory & defeat reside in the mind. Remember that...

Speaking of...let me give you a few of these to help you out with that battle:

It is as simple as that a lot of the time. Victory and defeat reside in the mind. Choose to make it great. Choose to feel better. Choose to get it together. Choose to walk it off. GET OVER IT! MOVE ON! (I mean that in the most loving way possible my dear) xoxo

With women it works like this: if you wait to "feel" better or "feel" like doing may never FEEL like it. So, you have to choose to. Then, your action to choose will collide with your emotions and you will then feel it. (via Beth Moore)

It's all about taking responsibility.

God gave you this one body. This one life. To live it in all it's fullness.


Do it. Live it. Be healthy. Be happy.


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