Round Two

By | 4:43 PM 3 comments
Monday (yesterday) was 5 days since my procedure to remove the pregnancy..the D&C. I had been taking the Vicodin and Ibuprofen religiously the first few days..and by Monday I eased up so that I could see what the pain level really was..and I realized I was still cramping and contracting...

I called the advice nurse at 3pm and by 4:00 I was sitting in a gown from the waist down at the doctors office. After an exam and an ultrasound the doctor found cysts again on both ovaries (nothing new for me) but he also found left over tissue &/or blood clots. I had three options: 1) let my body try to expel it all on it's own, which could take forever..and further prolong recovery 2) take a medication to induce contractions and help my body along 3) a repeat D&C..out of the question, I couldn't go through that again.

Last night I took the first set of pills. Within the first few hours I developed a fever and chills/the shakes which are rare side effects. Contractions started after the pills finally dissolved..had the contractions and cramping for 5 1/2 hrs..last night. Slept midnight to 6am (still getting up all night) and then the cramping and contractions started again as soon as I woke up and have continued through today. I think the pills are working though..I pray they are..if they do..the it can all finally be done. If by some small chance they don't..I will have to have another D&C. I fear that the most..the first was unbearable..we declare and believe these pills will work.

Tuesday is the ultrasound to check all is clear..please pray all is good and clear and that my body can finally start to truly heal and recover..Until then... :) just rest...

On a lighter first day back at work yesterday was nice. Emotional all morning though. I cried getting up, getting ready, putting makeup on..driving for the first time in almost a week. I felt like going to work, was like admitting life does go on..but you know what, it does. And we have to just keep going one step at a time.. but..after I shared why I was out this last week, everyone was so supportive, I love the people I work with :) I started to feel better..aaaand...Chris and I got new couches! Can't wait to bring them home this weekend...oh boy...lots still going on..still getting messages of prayers, love and encouragement which mean the world to us. Thank you!....
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  1. I also had tissue left over from my first loss at 12w5d, and had to have a second D&C...I hope you have luck with the path you have chosen and do not have to go through what I did.
