more than life...

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More than life-Hillsong

Stand by everything You said
Stand by the promises we made
Let go of everything I 've done
I'll run into Your open arms
And all I know

I love You more than life
I love You more than life

Fall back on everything You've done
Fall back on everlasting arms
When all the world is swept away
You are all the things I need
You're the air I breathe

How can it be
You were the one on the cross
Lifted for all our shame?
How can it be
The scars in Your hands are for me?
You are the king of all

This song brings back so many great memories of when my faith was newly growing and budding. Just being get ready for the trials I would later face. And I just love how in love with God I was then and how much my walk has come since that time...

The words in this song just...gosh..are so sobering. I do..I love Him more than life. And although my actions might not always show it.. due to my lack of getting in my word daily or pressing in more and more..but..I do..I love Him. Jesus is the best thing that ever, ever happened to me. I don't deserve anything He gives me...and yet, here I am. Alive and breathing.

I just wanna sing this song all day...I feel God's arms around it...

(Here are a few more songs from this album that I loved:)
Take All of Me.
Where the love lasts forever.

There are sooo many more...check out the entire album on
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