becoming three..

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I am beyond thrilled that Chris and I are expecting our first baby! Let me see..well, honestly-thrilled, excited, nervous, scared (but a good scared!), anxious (already..I know...), happy, humbled and everything in between that is good! Chris and I had been tackling infertility for a short while as I had just been diagnosed in March (though I had the syndrome all my life) with PCOS...this is a severe hormonal imbalance where the cause is sadly unknown and yet it can cause an array of symptoms. The main issue with this is that I was not ovulating (producing an egg that could be fertilized). In the last month that we were waiting to see a specialist at an infertility clinic I ovulate! Each month I would go in for blood work 7 days past the day I thought I might have ovulated...just a couple days off and I would miss it even if I had. But in May...I thought I went in, preparing for another negative result. A few days later my doctor emails me that I did infact ovulate which I was over the moon about. That alone was amazing! A week later...I was feeling off and asked Chris to bring home a pregnancy test...

I always thought I would tell him in this cute "you tube"-ish way and post the video etc...but...that went out the window, I was too anxious and to tired to run and get the test myself. He came home, hopped in the shower, I took the test and BAM! Two...TWO PINK LINES! The first (which is the one I was always missing) came up right away and then the second control was getting darker and darker...we just laughed in shock...hugged...thanked God and sat on the couch not saying much else....incredible.

A few weeks later...we had our first appointment and to see that little heart to be fluttering away...just a little flicker, almost like a christmas light...and the to hear it! I heard my childs heartbeat...I still can't believe it...I mean I can know :)

There's our lil 6 wks 5 days with a strong hb of 144 bpm...oh's just amazing. I thank God every day for this blessing..I pray over this baby..we pray over this baby...mama sings to this baby...we are just two becoming heart can only smile..

To read more about our journey through infertility/pcos/trying to conceive visit I will forever hold this blog dear to my was a time in my life I wanted to embrace and pray through and let God use. The blog is active to look back on, but I do feel that with this pregnancy, God has in a way closed that door for us and we can move ahead and live life celebrating the blessing we have been given. PCOS/Infertility are never far from my mind and I champion the millions of women/couples struggling to conceive. Awareness is key, compassion & knowledge are vital. Thank you God for allowing us to be a part of the fight. And thank you for our blessing..our victory baby.
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